

  • 北京林业大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100083

收稿日期: 2011-10-17

  修回日期: 2012-01-13

  网络出版日期: 2012-08-20



Probe into China’s Urban Forests Cultural Ecology Protection and Management

  • School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2011-10-17

  Revised date: 2012-01-13

  Online published: 2012-08-20




张颖, 宋维明, 杨桂红 . 我国城市森林文态保护和管理的探讨[J]. 自然资源学报, 2012 , 27(8) : 1415 -1420 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.08.015


Forests have economic, ecological, social and cultural functions. Forest cultural ecology corresponding to the forest ecology is the natural living systems formed on the basis of a comprehensive human spirit in forests. In recent years, China’s urbanization rate has increased from 28% in 1993 to 45.68% in 2008, urban forest ecological protection has made great progress in China, but there are problems such as insufficient attention being paid to the forest cultural ecological protection, management, related development lagging behind, etc. In order to strengthen the urban forest cultural ecological protection and management, this study pointed out that China’s social and economic development has approached to a mature and consumption phase, urban forest cultural ecological protection is the key to the future development of urban forestry, especially with the higher level of urbanization, hence urban forest cultural ecological protection will be paid more and more attention. The study suggested that urban forest cultural ecological protection should be taken into forest legislation and management, and should strengthen urban forestry development planning, highlight the integration of physical wealth with spiritual wealth, and promote urban forest cultural ecological protection and green cultural development in China.


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