In order to improve the growth environment of the root zone,we investigate the effects of different water and rhizosphere aeration supplies on soil enzyme activities and tomato growth by using air compressor to supply gas to potted tomato. The results showed that in the tomato growth period the activities of catalase, urease and dehydrogenase showed a trend of decreasing after initial increase. The activities of catalase, urease and dehydrogenase were improved under the aeration treatment compared to non-aeration in different water conditions, while the irrigation level is 80% of the field capacity and the aeration coefficient is 0.8, the activities of three soil enzyme reached the highest value, and the tomato plant has most dry matter accumulation and yield under this combination. The results prove water (80% of field capacity) and aeration (the coefficient is 0.8) can improve potted tomato root zone environment, increase the activity of soil enzyme, promote the plant growth and increase fruit yield.
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