The current hot issue of water resource and environment research is the study on regional water environment jointly affected by global climate change and human activities, and evaluating the spatial and temporal variations of surface water quality is an important aspect of water quality assessment. In this study, surface water quality data for 16 physical and chemical parameters collected from Jingcun and Zhangjiashan sections of Jinghe River during the years from 2004 to 2007 were analyzed using PCA and FA in dry and wet seasons. The principal component analysis was employed to evaluate the correlations of water quality parameters, while factor analysis was used to extract the most important parameters of the two sections in dry and wet seasons. Analysis shows that the most important parameters of the two sections in dry season are mainly the index of salinization by natural input and that of Jingcun Section also include the index of organic pollution which is mainly from point discharge of the upstream of Jinghe River; and the most important parameters in wet season are mainly the index of non-point pollution including the index of eutrophication by anthropogenic input and the index of salinization by natural input and also include the index of organic pollution in Zhangjiashan Section which is mainly volatile phenol from tributary between Jingcun Section and Zhangjiashan Section. Sulphates coming from different sources are always the most important water quality parameters in Jinghe River of Shaanxi Province all over the year.
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