As the project of ecological compensation is being put into effect at present, all kinds of impacts have been brought about objectively in the project areas, and the validity and sustainability of the project have been faced serous challenges from various factors. Therefore, its impacts evaluation is an essential prerequisite for decision-making. The fuzzy multi-criteria analysis model was constructed to assess the economic, social and environmental effects which were brought by the ecological compensation. The paper is based on a survey of 117 herd households by means of participatory rural appraisal (PRA). According to the distribution area, all survey herds were divided into three groups, the herd household of pure pasturing area, the herd household of the semi-planting-pasturing area and the agricultural area. The results are drawn as follows: 1) The overall impact of regional development level is 3.39 by ecological compensation and it belongs to moderate positive effects. The impact which was brought by the ecological compensation is different from the regional economic, social and environmental effects, being respectively 3.11, 3.58 and 3.71. 2) Because of the ecological compensation, the development of regional economy is slow. The influence of the income structure of farmers which was brought by the ecological compensation is the highest. The per capita net income of farmers and the commodity rate of farm products reduce in the pure pasturing area and semi-planting-pasturing area. 3) Because of the ecological compensation, there is no difference in environmental awareness and herds' skills. The farmers of pure pasturing area have a better sense in employment and rights consciousness; the farmers of semi-planting-pasturing area and agricultural area have a better sense in supervision awareness, participation consciousness and life quality improvement. 4) The influence of the environmental improvement which was brought by the ecological compensation is the highest, being 3.71. The farmers in pure pasturing area have a strong sense of it, followed by the semi-planting-pasturing area and agricultural area.
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