

  • 1. 西南大学 资源环境学院,重庆 400716;
    2. 重庆师范大学 a. 地理科学学院,b. 三峡库区山地生态与区域发展研究所,重庆 400047
李霞(1980- ),女,重庆南川人,博士,主要研究领域为土地利用规划。E-mail:lixia112@gmail.com

收稿日期: 2011-03-09

  修回日期: 2011-08-04

  网络出版日期: 2011-12-20



Implementation Strategies of Land Consolidation in Chongqing Based on the Ideas of "Decreasing Pressure, Increasing Efficiency"

  • 1. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China;
    2. a. College of Geography Science, b. Institute of Mountainous Ecology and Regional Development in Three-Gorges Reservoir Area, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 400047, China

Received date: 2011-03-09

  Revised date: 2011-08-04

  Online published: 2011-12-20




李霞, 邵景安, 谢德体 . "减压增效"理念下重庆国土整治实施战略研究[J]. 自然资源学报, 2011 , 26(12) : 2025 -2038 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.12.003


Using the conditions of land consolidation, such as its planning scales, increasing areas, investments and effective operations, especially the demands of future economic development for land use patterns, this paper obtains the implementation strategies of land consolidation and its operation in Chongqing, based on the ideas of "decreasing pressure, increasing efficiency". The results showed that the implementation strategies of future land consolidation for "decreasing pressure, increasing efficiency" would focus on cultivated land consolidation, in associating with the potential unit of residential land consolidation in Chongqing. However, over-rely on the development of land consolidation was not in line with the objective reality of Chongqing. The policy inclinations of the state to Chongqing, as the building of new countryside, the transfer of collective land-use right and the pilot area of coordinating urban and rural development, play the highlight role on the implementation strategies of land consolidation. The implementation strategies of growth-promoting cooperation combine the right replacement of government to land consolidation. In this mode, the government leads no longer just the operation of regional land consolidation, while provides a relaxed environment for its operation. Thus, the maximum social resources are used to participate in regional land consolidation, such as main private and on-governmental organizations, including companies, enterprises and individuals, and so on. The objective of "decreasing pressure, increasing efficiency" is paid more attention in the metropolitan area, where old city regeneration and annexation of villages into a larger settlement are carried out. Increasing efficiency is focused on western Chongqing, where increasing the coefficient of cultivated land is emphasized, and in the valley and ridge paralleling northern bank of the Yangtze River of the Three-Gorges Reservoir area, where the increase the output of cultivated land is more interesting for land consolidation. However, in the northeastern and southeastern Chongqing and southern bank of the Yangtze River of the Three-Gorges Reservoir area, decreasing pressure is mainly implemented, in order to increase the distribution of forest areas. Four areas the above-mentioned become the spatial dependence patterns of Chongqing's land consolidation under the new "implementation strategies". Restoring and reconstructing landscape patterns is emphasized mainly in the metropolitan area, northeastern and southeastern Chongqing and southern bank of the Yangtze River of Three-Gorges Reservoir area, while restoring mode is focused primarily on western Chongqing and northern bank of the Yangtze River of Three-Gorges Reservoir area. At the same time, biological fences for every area are built to protect its vegetation naturally recovering. Moreover, ecological flow among single islands/valley and ridge paralleling, or between them are being together through the corridors. Consequently, the conception of natural-artificial ecological experiment economic area is achieved. Our findings contribute to the demand for land and the transfer of economic gradient of economic "great-leap-forward" development of Chengdu-Chongqing pilot area. The understanding and awareness is richened in land consolidation and regional development at the national level.


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