Taking Jiuxiang River watershed in Nanjing city (Jiangsu, China) as a case study area, its two phases of remote sensing images obtained in 2003 and 2009 as the basic data source for assessment of ecosystem service values, and based on the adjustment of value coefficient, the ecosystem service values of Jiuxiang River watershed were calculated. In addition, the spatio-temporal characteristics of ecosystem service values and the interrelations between urbanization and ecosystem service values were studied by using the spatial analysis function of ArcGIS. The results showed: the loss of ecosystem service values of Jiuxiang River watershed was 2.63%, equaling to 643.1×104 yuan, of which the upstream increased by 1.57%,the midstream and the downstream decreased by 2.18% and 10.58% respectively,and the decrease of cropland was the major cause for the decrease of ecosystem service values. The values of individual ecosystem service of food production and maintain soil conservation decreased,while the values of hydrologic regulation and aesthetical function increased;the regions with higher ecosystem service values were mainly concentrated along the Qinlong Mountain at the upstream,Linshan Mountain at the midstream and Qixia and Yangshan mountains in the downstream,and the region with lower ecosystem service values was found mainly in Xianlin University Town,and the moderate one was mainly distributed in agricultural area of the midstream;the spatial distribution of ecosystem service values changed significantly in Jiuxiang River,the region with reduced ecosystem service values was mainly concentrated along the Xianlin University Town in the upstream and Xicun in the midstream, and the region with increasing values was distributed mainly along Jiuxiang River; urbanization had a negative effect on ecosystem service values, which showed the reduction of ecosystem service values was related with urbanization. So, we should conduct a watershed ecological planning to strengthen the classification guidance of watershed development and construction, and this was an effective way to restore and maintain Jiuxiang River watershed ecosystem service function.
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