In order to find out the spatial-temporal variation of the proportion of six crop straws (rice, wheat, maize, oil rape, cotton and soybean) used as household fuel, direct open burning and its influencing factors in different periods (1990-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005 and 2006-2008), the questionnaire survey during the above four study periods in 47 counties of Jiangsu Province was carried out. Logistic regression model, including the ratio of farmers taking job in cities, age structure of family population going in for agriculture, family incomes, kitchen power consumption, the ratio of crop straw used as domestic fuel and acreage of six crops factors, was set up to discuss the influencing factors of farmers’ willing to chose direct burning crop straw in fields. Results showed that the mean proportion of straw used as household fuel in Jiangsu Province during the above four research periods were 62.81%, 59.76%, 27.55% and 24.13%, respectively, and the mean proportion of straw open burning in fields were 21.16%, 23.93%, 53.29% and 47.87%, respectively. They had an opposite tendency and the obvious change appeared in the second and third research periods. The mean proportion of crop straw used as household fuel decreased obviously in the third research period (2001-2005) compared with the previous periods, while the mean proportion of straw open burning increased significantly. There was regional disparity for crop straw using in northern (including Huaian, Suqian, Lianyungang, Xuzhou and Yancheng), central and southern parts (including Nantong, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Zhenjiang, Wuxi and Suzhou) of Jiangsu Province. The proportion of crop straw used as household fuel (54.22%) in the northern part was higher than the central and southern parts (34.68%), while the ratio of crop straw open burning (29.60%) was lower than the central and southern parts (42.37%). Further analysis indicated that the positive linear relationships (P<0.01) between the proportion of crop straw open burning and the four factors, such as the ratio of farmers taking job in cities, age of farmers, family income and kitchen power consumption. Logistic regression model established declared that four factors had a significant effect on the farmers’ willingness to choose crop straw open burning in fields, and the degree of influence followed the order of the ratio of farmers taking job in cities > acreage >family incomes > the ratio of crop straw used as household fuel.
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