Loyal tourists of tourism destination is an important resource for its development. Research on tourist loyalty mechanism favors a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of tourist loyalty,and helps tourism managers to draw up effective strategies of tourist loyalty cultivating. Based on literature review,the paper attempts to combine trading process with the relationship process in order to analyze the influencing factors of tourist loyalty, and to construct the theoretical model of tourism destination loyalty mechanism. Through the on-the-spot survey methods for obtaining tourists data about the perceived values including factors of service quality perception, price perception, emotional value and social value, satisfaction, trust and loyalty, and taking Huangshan scenic area as an example, the paper uses the structural equation model to test the model’s fitting degree and to examine the variables’ impact on the tourist loyalty. It is found that, in the four influencing factors of overall perceived value,factors of service quality perceived value,emotional value, and social value have passed the inspection except price perceived value, and emotional value has the most important impact on the overall perceived value while social value has the least impact on the overall perceived value. Factors of service quality perceived value, price perceived value, emotional value with positive impact on satisfaction have all passed the test, social value with positive impact on satisfaction does not pass the inspection, and emotional value has the greatest impact on satisfaction while quality of service perceived value has least impact on satisfaction. Among the several factors affecting tourist loyalty, tourists’ satisfaction has the greatest impact on tourism destination tourist loyalty, the path coefficient is 0.41; and trust is another important impact factor, the path coefficient is 0.21.
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