Environmental characteristics affect spatial distribution of the vegetation profoundly. The researches of regional environmental characteristics of vegetation are very significant to the protection and management of local vegetation diversity. On the basis of these researches, further researches on vegetation response to climate changes can also be completed. In this paper, we chose the Grand Shangri-la as a research area to study the relationships between local typical vegetation distribution and their environmental characteristics through Maxent model and ArcGIS spatial analysis, using the climate stations data, DEM and vegetation distribution map in this area. Then, climate and terrain characteristics of typical vegetation distribution could be acquired in this area, quantifying evaluation of the relationships between the distributions of vegetation and their habitat, relational model between vegetation and climate factors were analyzed on the basis of their statistical relation characteristics. At the same time, elevation, slope and aspect boundaries of different vegetation distributions were quantitatively defined. In the region, different vegetation distributions were affected by different climate factors. Meadows distribution was affected by annual average lowest temperature and annual average July temperature; coniferous forest distribution was affected by annual average lowest temperatures and sunshine duration; shrub distribution was affected by annual average sunshine duration and July temperature; cultural vegetation distribution was affected by annual average May to October precipitation and annual average July temperature. At the same time, these vegetations showed the different elevation and gradient distribution characteristics. 90% of the meadows concentrated within the range of 3740 m to 5000 m in elevation.90% of the coniferous forest concentrated within the range of 1796 m to 4484 m. Cultural vegetation concentrated within the range of 1000 m to 2784 m. 80% of the shrubs concentrated within the range of 3000 m to 5000 m. In different gradient, vegetation distributions were not the same. 95% of the meadows were distributed in the range of less than 40 degrees. 95% of the coniferous forests were distributed in the range of less than 45 degrees. More than 90% of the cultural vegetation were distributed in the range of less than 35 degrees. About 90% of the shrubs were distributed in the range of 6 degrees to 37 degrees. In this area, vegetation distributions didn't show the typical aspect characteristic. In different aspects, the ratio of vegetation distribution was exactly similar. The results from the above analysis provided the reference for vegetation diversity protection, vegetation management and vegetation response to climate change.
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