As an important part of construction land, industrial trades land intensive use has effect on the management of urban land. Evaluation of land intensive use from industrial trades was made for explaining the current state and differences between various industrial trades land intensive use, which can provide some references for establishing the control standard of industrial trades land intensive use. Some typical enterprises were measured with the questionnaire for industrial land intensive use in Jiangsu Province. We got 1020 validated from 1047 questionnaires with answering rate of 97.42%, and got some industrial enterprise information about land use behavior, input-output, personnel composing and resource consumption by questionnaire survey. We established the index system which includes land use structure, land use intensity, land use input and land use output with four sub-goals and 11 indexes, in order to evaluate the industrial trades land intensive use. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) evaluation method based on real coding based accelerating genetic algorithm (RAGA) is integrated. The results indicate that high weight precision and global convergence can be acquired with RAGA-AHP. The industrial trades land intensive use is low as a whole in Jiangsu Province. As for various industrial trades land, the intensity of communication and electron manufacture is 76.74, the highest of all trades, while the intensity of beverage manufacture is 13.42. In the 29 industrial trades, only three trades of land use intensity, which are electronic and telecommunications equipment, rubber products and leather products are more than 60. The difference of land use intensity between industrial trades which attached to the same kinds of industry is little, while that attached to the different kinds of industry is remarkable. The land use intensity from high to low is electron industry, chemical industry, mechanical industry, metallurgy industry, weaving industry, medical industry, agricultural products rough processing. Because the differences of industry specialty, production features between the same or similar trade are not significant. Accordingly, there are similar land use structure and land use intensity. So the characteristics of industry specialty, production features between different industries are the most important reason for their diversity of land intensive use.
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