针对目前我国农业生产中的资源环境问题,指出粮食生产成本核算的不完整性,粮食生产造成的资源耗减和环境降级得不到补偿。运用环境经济学原理和可持续发展理论对粮食生产的完全成本进行分析,提出粮食生产的完全成本除包括直接生产成本外,还应包括粮食生产的资源环境成本。论文以南方红壤丘陵区的湖南省祁阳县为研究对象进行案例分析,研究表明,2008年该区域粮食生产的资源环境成本相当于当年农业总产值的36.55%;早、中、晚稻的完全成本分别达到4.27、3.84和4.40元·kg-1,其中资源环境成本分别为1.38、 1.65和1.64元·kg-1,直接生产成本分别为2.89、 2.19和2.76元·kg-1,而实际市场价格分别仅有1.76、 1.90和1.84元·kg-1。研究结果对有关部门制定相关农业政策、调整粮食生产布局、促进区域粮食生产和可持续发展具有一定的参考价值。
In view of the resources and environmental problems existing in current agricultural production, this paper claims that the main causes for the present problems are the incomplete cost accounting and no compensation for the cost due to the resources depletion and environmental degradation caused by grain production. According to this, environmental economics and sustainable development theories were used to analyze the complete cost of the grain production. The present paper proposed that the complete cost of grain production should include direct costs and resources-environmental cost of grain production. In this paper, the author investigated the full cost of grain production in Qiyang County, Hunan Province, Hilly Red Soil Region of Southern China in 2008. The results showed that resources and environmental damage due to grain production in this region was equivalent to 36.55% of the agricultural output in 2008. Full cost in this region reached 4.27 yuan/kg for early-season rice, 3.84 yuan/kg for mid-season rice, and 4.40 yuan/kg for late-season rice in 2008. Among them, resources-environmental cost and direct cost were 1.38 yuan/kg and 2.89 yuan/kg for early-season rice, 1.65 yuan/kg and 2.19 yuan/kg for mid-season rice, 1.64 yuan/kg and 2.79 yuan/kg for late-season rice. However, unit sales were 1.76 yuan/kg for early-season rice, 1.90 yuan/kg for mid-season rice, and 1.84 yuan/kg for late-season rice. Finally, the results of this study have some reference value to formulate related agricultural policies, adjust grain production distribution for relevant departments, and promote the regional grain production and sustainable development further.
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