王卷乐, 朱立君, 孙崇亮
. 资源环境综合科学考察中的多维数据集成管理模式研究与实践 ——以中国北方及其毗邻地区综合科学考察为例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2011
, 26(7)
: 1129
DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.07.005
Integrated scientific expedition in the field of resources and environment is one of the important approaches for basic and strategic national and regional background resource and environment data acquiring and accumulation. It is difficult to integrate and manage these scientific expedition data, because they have natural multi-sources, multi-types, and multi-disciplinary features. This not only affects historical expedition data integration and sharing, but also affects ongoing and future scientific expedition data management. Face to this problem, the paper puts forward the idea of multi-dimensional data management. Consistency data model is the core for multi-dimensional scientific expedition data integration and management in the field of resources and environment. Traditionally, these scientific expedition data have various dimensions, including disciplinary dimension, thematic dimension, spatial scale dimension, temporal dimension, application dimension, etc. According to analysis, there are three common dimensions that can be generalized, i.e., data element dimension, data temporal dimension and data spatial scale dimension. A simple common data management concept model is designed based on these common dimensions. One logical data model was designed based on the research of integrated scientific expedition project in northern China and its neighboring area. This project’s expedition scope covers three countries of northern China, Russia and Mongolia. The concept model has three common dimensions’ benchmark. Data element dimension benchmark was designed based on the scientific expedition work duty closely. Data temporal dimension benchmark was designed based on its data collection and update period. Data spatial scale dimension benchmark was designed based on GRID system. This model was used in the expedition data integration and management implementation and was proved feasible for scientific data integration and sharing initially.
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