论文在总结前人研究的基础上提出城市特征属性概念,构建了一套基于多准则判断的评价指标体系和城市边缘区界定方法。利用累积频率图和K_Means空间聚类法确定了城市边缘区界定标准,对广州市城市边缘区进行划分。实验结果表明:城市边缘区主要分布于主城区和若干中心镇周围,随城市交通轴线发散分布,平均城市特征属性为0.292。边缘区总面积占广州总面积的46.73%,主要分布于番禺、白云、花都3个区,共占城市边缘区总面积的76.511%。海珠、荔湾的城市边缘区形状较为紧凑,紧凑度指数分别为4.127 2、3.472 5;白云、番禺、花都的城市边缘区形态较为破碎,紧凑度指数分别为7.847 2、7.199 3、7.525 5。
On the basis of summarizing the predecessor's research, this article proposes the urban characteristic attribute concept, and constructs a set of evaluation index system and urban fringe division method based on the multi-criterion judgment. Using the accumulation frequency histogram and the K Means space cluster method, the urban fringe division standard is identified, and finally the urban fringe division result of the Guangzhou City is obtained. The result shows that, the urban fringe areas are mainly distributed around the main city zone and some center town zones, radiatively distributed along with the city transportation lines, and the average urban characteristic attribute is 0.292. The urban fringe area accounts for 46.73% of the total area of Guangzhou, mainly distributing in Panyu, Baiyun and Huadu districts, and is 76. 511% of the total urban fringe area. The Haizhu and Liwan's urban fringe shape is compact, with the compactness index being 4.1272 and 3.4725 respectively. The Baiyun, Panyu and Huadu's urban fringe shape is fragmentized, with compactness index being 7.8472, 7.1993 and 7.5255 respectively.
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