三江平原是我国重要的商品粮生产基地,其水土资源的空间匹配格局对保障区域粮食安全具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,由于水稻的大面积种植,三江平原水土资源数量、质量及其空间匹配状况均发生了明显的变化。为了客观地评价三江平原水土资源空间匹配现状,该研究在分析水土资源空间分布格局的基础上,引入水资源可利用量作为水资源量的表征参数,从水资源的可利用量与耕地资源的匹配角度,构建了区域水土资源匹配测算模型,并对其匹配程度进行了划分。分析结果表明,2000年以来,三江平原水土资源整体表现出"土地资源丰富,水资源欠缺"的态势,并且其空间分布格局存在明显的错位现象,已非惯称的"水土资源丰富和匹配";2008年三江平原水土资源匹配系数为0.35×104 m3/hm2,远低于同期全国平均水平(0.56×104 m3/hm2),水土资源匹配较差;水土资源匹配程度空间差异性较为显著,总体呈现出"南北优于东西,边缘优于腹地,林区优于农区,山丘区优于平原区"的格局。针对三江平原水土资源空间匹配程度差、区域差异明显的特点,应在水利设施建设的同时,兼顾水土资源的优化配置,以此提高三江平原水土资源空间匹配程度,为三江平原的粮食生产提供保障。
Sanjiang Plain is an important commodity grain production base in China and the spatial matching patterns of land and water resources in the plain hold the balance of regional food security. In the last few years, the quantity, quality and spatial matching status of land and water resources in Sanjiang Plain have changed obviously, owing to the significant increase of rice planting area in the plain. Thus, for the purpose of evaluating the current spatial matching situation of the land and water resources in Sanjiang Plain correctly, the spatial distribution pattern of the land and water resources was analyzed first of all, next the available water resources were introduced into the study as the characteristic parameter of water resources quantity, and then a measure model for matching patterns of regional land and water resources was constructed from the angle that the available water resources matched the arable land resources. Finally, the matching degree was graded. The results indicated that land and water resources in Sanjiang Plain since 2000 showed a situation on the whole that land resources were abundant while water resources were deficient, and the spatial distribution patterns of the two resources exhibited an obvious dislocation phenomenon, which was no longer the known situation that land and water resources in the plain were plentiful and matching. The matching coefficient of land and water resources in Sanjiang Plain was 0.35×104m3/hm2 in 2008, which was far below the national average in the same period (0.56×104 m3/hm2), indicating a poor matching state. In addition, the matching degree of land and water resources had distinct spatial diversity and presented an overall pattern that south and north better than east and west, marginal land better than hinterland, forest zone better than agricultural zone, mountain area better than plain area. Against the characteristics (poor spatial matching degree and distinct regional diversity) of land and water resources in Sanjiang Plain, while constructing water conservancy works, optimum distributing of land and water resources should be conducted simultaneously to increase their spatial matching degree and to guarantee food security of the plain.
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