

  • 1. 中国科学院 地理科学与资源研究所 环境修复中心,北京 100101;
    2. 北京市水利科学研究所,北京 100044;
    3. 北京市排水集团,北京 100044
杨军(1979- ),男,河南信阳人,博士后,主要研究区域土壤污染风险及控制对策。

收稿日期: 2009-09-09

  修回日期: 2010-10-29

  网络出版日期: 2011-02-20


北京市重大科技公关项目 (D0706007040291-02);中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (kzcx1-yw-06-03)。

Assessing the Effect of Irrigation with Reclaimed Water: The Soil and Crop Pollution Risk of Heavy Metals

  • 1. Center for Environmental Remediation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Beijing Institute of Water Research, Beijing 100044, China;
    3. Beijing Drainage Group Ltd. , Beijing 100044, China

Received date: 2009-09-09

  Revised date: 2010-10-29

  Online published: 2011-02-20




杨军, 陈同斌, 雷梅, 刘洪禄, 吴文勇, 周军 . 北京市再生水灌溉对土壤、农作物的重金属污染风险[J]. 自然资源学报, 2011 , 26(2) : 209 -217 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2011.02.004


It was difficult to precisely assess the risk of heavy metals pollution of reclaimed water irrigation by field survey due to the shortage of irrigated area of long-term irrigation with reclaimed water and the interference cased by wastewater (sewage sludges) used in some reclaimed water irrigated area. The objective of this paper was to assess the pollution risk of heavy metals with reclaimed water irrigation by investigating the areas irrigated with irrigation water from different channels and comparing the heavy metals input from three different channels in the irrigated area. Compared to heavy metal concentrations of soils irrigated by groundwater, heavy metals were accumulated in the soils of wastewater irrigated area and reclaimed water irrigated area to a larger extent. However, there observed no significant difference in heavy metals concentrations of wheat grain sampled from different irrigated areas. Further investigation on the effluent of Beijing wastewater treatment plants and water sampled from Beiyechang irrigation canal showed that the heavy metal concentrations of reclaimed water were much lower than the standards for irrigation water quality. The input of heavy metals by reclaimed water irrigation was close to the input of heavy metals by groundwater irrigation, and was lower than the input by atmospheric deposition and organic fertilizer application. It was proposed that the risk of heavy metals caused by reclaimed water irrigation was small. Compared to early findings about environmental pollution of Beijing in 1976, the present study showed that the current heavy metal pollution of soils in the reclaimed water irrigated area did not necessarily result from reclaimed water irrigation but to a larger extent was caused by early wastewater irrigation (sewage sludges) or organic fertilizer application and atmospheric deposition.


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