Since 2001, resource-exhausted cities have been benefited from state strategic policy and financial support, starting the process of large-scale transformation. Now, how are about the transition effects of resource-exhausted cities in this decade? What is the cities remarkable achievement and what is their disconcerting risk existed? The paper tried to establish the index system of the transformation development of resource-exhausted cities with the methods of quantitative analysis by using the data in 'City Statistical Yearbook 2005-2009’, and measured the status of resource-exhausted cities’ transformation which are reflected by their own restructuring and the status of regional development. The results show that the transformation work of these cities is well done generally. In different types of resources, the city’s transformation results are not the same. The transformation of resource-exhausted cities at the county level is usually better than the prefecture-level cities because of their basis of different sizes on urban development. In the prefecture-level cities, the transformation development of the western region is better than that in the eastern and middle. In comparison, the transformation of resource-exhausted cities at the county level in eastern region is better than that in western and middle. Generally, the oil cities’ development is faster and healthier than other types of cities, and forestry cities have the worst situation. This phenomenon is strongly related with the properties of resource and the national policies. Some of the cities’ development is not synchronized with the regional development.
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