

  • 福州大学数据挖掘与信息共享教育部重点实验室福州大学空间信息工程研究中心, 福州 350002
邱炳文(1973-),女,湖南浏阳人,助理研究员,博士,现从事GIS应用研究。E-mail:qiubingwen@fzu. edu.cn

收稿日期: 2006-06-21

  修回日期: 2006-09-19

  网络出版日期: 2007-02-25



Scale Effect Analysis of Driving Forces of Land-use Patterns in Longhai City of Fujian Province

  • Key Laboratory of Data Mining & Information Sharing of Ministry of Education, Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian Province, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China

Received date: 2006-06-21

  Revised date: 2006-09-19

  Online published: 2007-02-25




邱炳文 . 福建省龙海市土地利用空间分布影响因子的尺度效应分析[J]. 自然资源学报, 2007 , 22(1) : 70 -78 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2007.01.009


Land use patterns are governed by a broad variety of potential driving forces and constraint which act over a large range of scales.It has been recognized that the types and effects of land use drivers may vary with spatial scale and multi-scale investigation of land use patterns which is essential for fully understanding of its complexity.The main purpose of this paper was to perform a multi-scale analysis of land use patterns of Longhai City in Fujian province by means of statistical analysis on the basis of bio-geophysical,socio-economic and infrastructural conditions.Twenty-three variables were selected as the candidate land use drivers and 9 main land use types were considered.Land use data was derived from the 1∶10000 survey map,terrain data from the 1∶50000 DEM,accessibility data,i.e.distance to the nearest rural road,is derived from 1∶10000 distribution map of rural road,river,residential area,etc.But socio-economic data such as population census data was collected based on the administration areas.As a result,the spatial distribution of population data on cells was conducted based on the analysis of the relationship between population density and its influencing factors.The basic spatial organization in the analysis was a 100×100m geographical grid.Through aggregations of these cells,a total of 20 artificial aggregation levels were obtained.The independent of 9 main land use types,namely paddy field,dry land,garden plot,woodland,town land,agricultural residential area,industrial land,water body and unused land,were constructed at multiple scales respectively. The results showed that:(1)Land use models varied with aggregation level,indicating spatial scale effects.Independent variables explained more of the variance for the explanation of land use type at higher aggregation levels.Relationships obtained at a certain scale of analysis may not be directly applied at other scales.The variables included in the models and their relative importance also varied between land use types,different studying year of 1996 and 2000,respectively.(2)The distribution of paddy field was mainly restricted by slope,distance to the nearest rural road or city,aspect,agricultural population density whose influences increase with scale,elevation and distance to the nearest cover river whose influences occurs only in the medium or small aggregation levels.For garden plot,elevation,distance to the nearest coast or fresh water sea-route is the highest ranking variables and their contributions increase with aggregation levels.Slope,distance to the nearest town or line-river or city are the second ranking variables.For woodland,slope and distance to city or town are the most leading variables at almost all aggregation levels.Important variable also includes elevation at lower aggregation levels.Variables of distance to the nearest highroad or low road or residential areas contribute to the models to a certain extent and their contributions increase with aggregation levels.Industrial land is mainly related with distance to the nearest fresh water sea-route,total population density,distance to the nearest coast or road,slope and distance to the nearest city whose influence all increases with aggregation levels.Most land use types in Longhai City were restricted by topographic factors while topography changes little along with time.It is argued that these types of analyses can support the quantitative multi-scale understanding of land use,needed for the spatially explicit land use change models.
