

  • 1. 南京农业大学农林经济管理博士后流动站,南京210095;
    2. 南京农业大学经济管理学院 南京210095
尹云松(1966),男,安徽桐城人,副教授,管理学博士,主要从事农业经济管理、水资源管理研究。E-mail: yin573@sohu.com

收稿日期: 2005-12-24

  修回日期: 2006-03-29

  网络出版日期: 2006-08-25

The Method of Basin Initial Water Rights Allocation and Its Application Based on AHP

  • 1. Post-doctoral Station for Agricultural Economics & Management,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;
    2. College of Economics & Management,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China

Received date: 2005-12-24

  Revised date: 2006-03-29

  Online published: 2006-08-25


论文主要研究了流域初始水权分配问题。首先指出现行关于初始水权分配指标体系研究的两点不足,即:没有充分体现公平性和反映排污权的影响。在克服以上两点不足的基础上,从非效率性指标和效率性指标2个方面,重新构建了流域初始水权分配的评价指标体系。文章建立了流域初始水权分配的AH P层次分析模型,以黄河流域为例,引入排污权指标,具体研究了黄河流域初始水权分配的方案并对其进行了改进。


尹云松, 孟令杰 . 基于AHP的流域初始水权分配方法及其应用实例[J]. 自然资源学报, 2006 , 21(4) : 645 -652 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2006.04.019


This paper mainly studies basic principle and the method of basin initial water rights distribution based on AHP.Firstly,it points out two shortcomings of the existing index system of initial water rights distribution,namely,no reflection of the equitableness and no reflection of the influence of pollution discharge rights.On the basis of overcoming the above shortcomings,this paper reset up the index system of basin initial water rights distribution from the indexes which reflect the efficiency and the indexes which reflect the equitableness.Then the paper sets up the AHP model of basin initial water rights distribution.The Yellow River basin being taken as an example,this paper introduces the index of discharge to redesign the index system of basin initial water rights distribution and researches the scheme of the Yellow River basin initial water rights distribution.This scheme improves the allocative decision of initial water rights among provinces(or regions)along the Yellow River.The main contents of this scheme are as follows:the amount of adjusted initial water rights distribution of Qinghai province is from 14.1 hundred million m3 to 45.34 hundred million m3 and the percentage is 221.56%.The amount of Gansu province is from 30.4 hundred million m3 to 43.35 hundred million m3 and the percentage is 42.6%.The amount of Ningxia is from 40 hundred million m3 to 35.97 hundred million m3 and the percentage is-10.08%.The amount of Inner Mongolia is from 58.6 hundred million m3 to 40.59 hundred million m3 and the percentage is-30.73%.The amout of Shanxi province is from 43.1 hundred million m3 to 50.03 hundred million m3 and the percentage is 16.08%.The amount of Shaanxi province is from 38 hundred million m3 to 38.18 hundred million m3 and the percentage is 0.47%.The amount of Henan province is from 55.4 hundred million m3 to 39.05 hundred million m3 and the percentage is-29.51%.The amount of Shandong province is from 70 hundred million m3 to 57.09 hundred million m3 and the percentage is-18.44%.This scheme reveals the influence on the allocative decision of initial water rights among provinces(or districts) along the Yellow River,and this influence mainly comes from the indexes,such as GDP per 1 m3 water,the amount of outputing water,the amount of actual drafted water,etc.It is supposed to say that this influence is active and reasonable.At the same time,this influence reflects the basic principle of initial water rights distribution which gives priority to the equitableness and thinks the efficiency as second.
