The paper includes assessment of ecological and socio-economic water requirements and measures of water resources allocation.Firstly,the conception framework and targets of Integ-rated Ecosystem Assessment of Western China (MAWEC),which is a sub-global assessment project of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA),have been proposed. In the case study of the Sangong River Basin,changes and the corresponding driving forces of aquatic ecosystem services function have been investigated.The results showed that human activities, especially land use change, had great impacts on the ecosystem,while the ecological impacts of natural forces were quite uncertain.Secondly,ecological water demand of river corridor and off-stream ecosystem have been carried out as following:(1) eco-hydrological zoning in the Sangong River Basin;(2) defining the key region of ecological water demand on the basis of characters of natural and man-made ecosystems in the oasis region;and (3) setting the favorite ecological protect-ion objects according to annual ecological services function assessment and maximum principle of total service function from natural and manmade ecosystems.The results showed that the ecological station of 1987 was the most favorite one for ecological protection and,total ecological water demand of the protection object accounted for 24% of surface water resources in the region,where the ratio between river corridor and off-stream ecological water demand was 2.5:1.Thirdly,socio-economic water demand was projected.Finally,according to changes of resident welfare,countermeasures of water resources allocation has been proposed taking into account water bal-ance between river corridor and off-stream,water balance among socio-economic system,water balance between ecosystem and socio-economic system.