With the development of economy and urbanization,urban rivers have been changed at different levels,such as channelisation,pollution and natural and cultural resource disappea-rance.The studies and practices concerning the alleviation and prevention of the degradated fresh-water ecosystems,and the restoration of the damaged ecosystems have drawn world-wide attention since the 1960s.Many studies have been carried out in recent years,but most of them were focused on monomial studies such as the treatment of lake and river eutrophication, protection and restoration of wetlands,etc,and the studies on urban river damaged most intensely by human were not enough.In light of the problems caused by the urbanization,such as river drying-up,the loss of landscape and biodiversity,deterioration of eco-environment,etc,this paper studied the model of ecological restoration and environment management of urban dry-up rivers based on the theories of restoration ecology,landscape ecology,and watershed ecology,and the measures of remote sensing,GIS,and environmental monitoring were used as the technique sup-port systems. The study took Hutuo river in Shijiazhuang as a case.Hutuo river is 61.335km long with an area of 199.51km2,consisting of such topographical units as riverbed,floodplain,etc.The average width of the river is 1.1km and the area of riverbed is about 66.69km2.Hutuo river belongs to Ziyahe drainage system which is the tributary of Haihe river,and it has become a typical urbandry-up river in northern China because of perennial flow breaking and deterioration of eco-envi-ronment year by year. Following the investigation and analysis of actual status of the eco-environment of Hutuo river,the paper raised the"green for water model".While meeting the ecological water require-ment,managing and modulating water resource rationally,the paper proposed the"Green Hutuo"model for restoring natural vegetation in the drainage area on the basis of suitable research criteria,that is:the river central district-indigenous herbage of flood retardance and water comp-lementarity;buffering area-bushes of water control and diversion,willow and poplar of bank prote-ction and construction;transition region-forests and fruit trees for controlling wind and fixing shifting sand.Finally,suggestions on resources and environment management were put forward. The paper provided a new notion and approach for resources and environment management of urban dry-up rivers in northern China.