Since the proposition of meta-analysis by psychologists,it has b een considered as a ve-ry useful method for synthesizing the research results and recently it has also been widely used in ecologic study.This paper consists of245cases,of which102cases on desertification,79cases on soil loss a nd64cases on salinization.Using meta-analysis method,four clusters of prox imate causes(namely,agricultural expansion,resource utilization,infrastructu re extension and natural factors)and five sorts of driving forces(namely,econ omic,policy&institutional,technolog-ical,cultural and demographic factors) are identified to be accountable for the three environment-al problems .As a result,the paper found out that most of the three problems were caused by mul tiple factors.At the proximate level,the most frequent causes were agricultu ral expansion for desertification(92%),resource utilization for soil loss (90%),and natural factors for salinization(86%),respectively.At th e underlying level,the most frequent factor was economic factor for all the th ree problems,the frequency was86%,81%and89%.On the whole,multiple f actors were omnipresent in the environmentally degraded area of China,with eco nomic factor being the most frequent factor(85%),following with technolog ical factor(69%)and demographic factor(62%).