

  • 1. 长安大学环境科学与工程学院,陕西西安710054;
    2. 陕西省国土资源厅,陕西西安710054

收稿日期: 2003-05-21

  修回日期: 2003-07-07

  网络出版日期: 2004-02-25



Discussion on eco-environmental water demand in Weihe River Basin of Shaanxi Province


  • 1. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Chang’an University ,Xi ’an710054,China;
    2. Shaanxi Bureau of Land and Resoucer,Xi ’an7 10082,China

Received date: 2003-05-21

  Revised date: 2003-07-07

  Online published: 2004-02-25




王雁林, 王文科, 杨泽元 . 陕西省渭河流域生态环境需水量探讨[J]. 自然资源学报, 2004 , 19(1) : 69 -78 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2004.01.009


Weihe River Basin of Shaanxi province is not only one of the maj or birthplaces of the Chine-se nation,the core region of socio-economic develop ment of Shaanxi Province,but also one of the important regions of western de velopment.However,as Weihe River Basin is located in semi-arid land,there ar e many characteristics of nature,such as heterogeneity of temporal and spatial distribution of water resources,higher frequency of natural hazard,etc.In rec ent years,with rapid economic development and sharp expansion of population, contradiction between water resources utilization and eco-environmental protect ion has led to some eco-environmental problems such as the shortening of runo ff courses of many rivers,deteriorating river water quality,etc.In this paper ,the authors,from the point of view of realizing sustainable socio-economic development in Weihe River Basin,aiming at sustainable development of eco-en vironment,thematically analyze the major contents and critical threshold of eco-environmental water demand,discuss outside and inside priorities of eco-envi ronmental water demand and for the first time systematically point out study contents of eco-environmental water demand of Weihe River Basin of Shaanxi Prov ince,including eco-environmental water demand of natural water environment,ve getation construction,river system,urban green land,groundwater resumption,u rban lake sight,reservoir surface,and wetland.Based on the above analysis,th e calculation methods of eco-environmental water demand are given to calculate eco-environmental water demand of Weihe River Basin of Shaanxi Province in20 00,2010and2020.The research not only enriches the theory of eco-env ironmental water demand,but also provides a scientific basis for eco-environm ental construction and water resources exploitation and utilization.
