The up per and middle reaches of the Yellow River are significant parts of Western development strategy,and the lower reaches are the strategic parts of Longhai-Lan-Xin(Lianyungang-Lanzhou-Urumqi)economic strip of the new Eurasia-continental Bridge.Since the1990s,the continued occurrence of the trunk stream cutoff of the Yellow River for several years has seriously affected the development of society and economy and human's life,and limited the exertion of economic potential of the drainage area.Probing the cruxes of the problem of water scarcity,including the uprush of water requirements resulted from the social and economic de-velopment,the severity of water pollution,the low efficiency and heavy waste of water use,the absence of perfect administrative system,the lacking in manoeuvre ability,etc.,the authors put forward some proposals to mitigate the problem of water scarcity:(1)to set up perfect market mechanism such as practising water capitalized management,setting up use system with com-pensation and benefit compensation mechanism,reforming investment system;(2)to enhance wa-ter administration and legislation taking a specific drainage basin as a unit for the rational allo-cation of water;(3)to adjust industrial structure and build national economic systems related to economical water use;and(4)to quicken the pace of implementing South-to-North water transfer project and water conservancy project.