With the development of society and economy,the main aim of land readjustment in our country will be changed from merely adding arable land to multipurpose development direc-tion of promoting agricultural comprehensive productive ability,protecting eco-environment and consummating rural infrastructure.So how to reasonably analyze land readjustment potentiality becomes an essential item,and also is necessary for the land readjustment planning and land readjustment project.In fact land readjustment potentiality is a kind of potentiality that relatives to land readjustment criterion and restricts to economic and eco-environmental status.The essence is land use potentiality.Arable land readjustment potentiality is to add arable land area,promote agricultural comprehensive productive ability,reduce production cost and protect eco-environment.It could be achieved by renovation of country road and irrigation and drainage canals,combination and regularization of farmland,elimination of limiting factors and construc-tion of shelter belts.Rural residential land readjustment potentiality is to add arable land and to improve survival environment.It could be achieved by reduction of residential area,promotion of construction rate,use of idle land,combination of small village to central village and consumma-tion of infrastructure.Comparing to overseas land readjustment,China still belongs to the ele-mentary phase of land readjustment that the aim is to add arable land simply and does not be-long to the advanced phase that the aim is to improve comprehensive productivity and consum-mate eco-environment.Once land readjustment in our country comes into advanced phase,the potentiality would come great.