

  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;
    2. 中国农业大学土地资源系, 北京 100094
陈百明(1951-),男,浙江上虞人,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事土地资源调查、评价、开发利用及 生产潜力研究,E-mail:chenbm@igsnrr.ac.cn。

收稿日期: 2000-12-15

  修回日期: 2001-02-15

  网络出版日期: 2001-06-25



Theory and methodology for sustainable land use indicator system in China

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Bejing 100101, China;
    2. Dept.of Land Resources, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094

Received date: 2000-12-15

  Revised date: 2001-02-15

  Online published: 2001-06-25


制定土地资源可持续性指标体系是《21世纪议程》中对各国提出的科学技术优先研究领域 ,国土资源部已开始了该研究项目。论文就此对中国土地资源可持续利用指标体系的理论与方法从整体上进行了探讨。首先回顾了国内外土地可持续利用研究的进展 ,分析归纳了国外可持续发展指标体系研究状况及可借鉴之处 ;指出在土地可持续利用指标与评价的研究中 ,必须从3个方面开展深入探讨。第一是土地利用分区及制定区域性土地可持续利用指标体系 ;第二是研究制定主要土地利用系统可持续利用指标体系及其阈值 ;第三是研究制定典型区域(以县域为单位)土地可持续利用指标体系及其阈值。只有把3个方面的研究有机融合起来 ,互相反馈 ,互为依存 ,才能保证土地可持续利用指标体系的科学性、系统性和实用性。


陈百明, 张凤荣 . 中国土地可持续利用指标体系的理论与方法[J]. 自然资源学报, 2001 , 16(3) : 197 -203 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2001.03.001


Developing indicator system of sustainability for land resources is one of the superiority fields of study of science and technology put forward in Agenda 21st for each country.The Ministry of Land and Resources has started to deal with this project.The paper probes into the theory and methodology for developing the indicator system of sustainable land use in China.It firstly reviews the domestic and overseas evolvement in the study on sustainable land use,then analyzes and summarizes the current conditions and experience about indicator system for sustainable land use in foreign countries.It points out that three aspects must be taken into consideration to researches of the indicator system for sustainable land use.They are:1)to divide land use regions and establish territorial indicator system for sustainable land use;2)to classify main land use systems and set up their indicators and threshold for sustainable land use;3)to select indicator system and threshold of sustainable land use in typical areas for case study.Only to integrate the three aspects organically can the scientific meaning,systemalization and practicability be assured.
