

  • 1. 中国农业科学院农业自然资源与区划研究所, 北京 100081;
    2. 中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会, 北京 100101
马忠玉,33岁,副研究员。1992年获农学博士学位,同年起在中国农业科学院农业区划研究所工作, 1994~1995年在英国爱丁堡大学(T he U nive rsity of Edinbur gh)作博士后研究。回国后在原单位工作,现为持续农业与乡村发展研究室主任,中国可持续发展研究会持续农业专业委员会副秘书长,国家21世纪议程管理 中心持续农业顾问。国际、国内公开发表论文30余篇,合作出版专著6部。

收稿日期: 1996-05-27

  修回日期: 1996-09-20

  网络出版日期: 1997-06-25


  • 1. Institute of Natural Resource and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081;
    2. Commission for Integrated Survey of Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101

Received date: 1996-05-27

  Revised date: 1996-09-20

  Online published: 1997-06-25




马忠玉, 成升魁 . 论中国农业持续发展研究中的若干问题[J]. 自然资源学报, 1997 , 12(2) : 183 -192 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.1997.02.013


Agricultural production efficiency,crop livestock integration, grain problem, layout of agricultural production and object of the study of sustainable agriculture have been highlighted by scientists and decision makers in China.These problelms play a crucial role not only in correct policy making, but aslo in the direction of agricultural research. There have been, however, some confusions and misunderstandings in the current viewpoints held by some of the scientists and decision makers in China. Pointing at this situation, this paper makes a significant discussion for the sake of finding a correct answer through a profound analysis and statement based on the researches conducted by the authors themselves and a large amount of study results collected at home and abroad.The conclusions are: (a)Sustainable agriculture is an academic term, not a new model for replacing the conventional agriculture, and the study of sustainable agriculture should give priority to developing input reducing technology and increasing farmers income in order to make Chinas agriculture environmentally sound and healthy; (b)The emphasis of researches on crop livestock integration should be shifted to focusing on how to adjust the composition of energy and protein in feed supplied by cropping and consumed by livestock; (c)The main ways for eliminating the increase of grain shortage in China are to put the strategy of grain substitution into practice as soon as possible and to properly restrain food consumption which has been highly speeded up; (d)According to the principle of less external input and higher efficiency, the priority of developing grain production should be placed on the high yield farmland rather than on medium yield farmland; and (e)The energy efficiency in Chians agricultural production has increased from time to time, which is very important for a correct policy making in China's sustainable agriculture.
