The Middle Reaches Rigion of Yalutsangpo River, which is characterized as a little forest resources and low vegetation caverage ecostone, is not only the social-economic and political-culture centers, but also main agricultural zone in Tibet. With population increasing rapidly and concentrating relatively in modern times, the erosion and the desertization were aggravated, the varying degrees losses in the agriculture and animal husbandry and the national economy were caused by grassland degeneration and frequent natural disasters. In view of above-mentioned reasons, development of forestry, especially establishment of protection forest system occupies a strategy place in improving the ecological environment of the unique Qinghai-Tibet Plateau langd-scape and The Middle Reaches Rigion of Yalutsangpo River.The general design of the Protection Forest System in the Rigion as following; under the concept of conservation forestry, the protection forest belt along rivers (Lhasa river, the middle of Yalutrangpo river and Nianchu river) will be established at first,which is the framework of the Protection Forest System; the protection forest network will be achieved on farmland and grassland in valley; the fuelwood -timber forest and the "four sides "forest will be afforested according to various site conditions. The biggest comprehensive protction forest system will be established in the Plateau for protecting the unique high-cold agricultural zone and "the third pole over the world".