黄河三角洲是我国三大三角洲之一,面积约5930km2,它拥有丰富的土地资源,但从大农业角度来看,其土地质量较差,生态环境脆弱。当前,其土地资源的合理开发利用具有十分重要的现实意义。 首先,本文将区内土地类型划为 5类和19个亚类。其次,应用二级模糊综合评判,将其土地质量分为8等13级。其中宜农地占28.83%,宜牧地占34.44%,渔业用地占27.98%。最后,应用层次分析法(AHP)对土地资源合理开发利用的对策作了分析探讨。认为:对于黄河三角洲土地资源的开发,必须强调遵循经济效益服从社会效益和生态效益的总原则。在此前提下,提出了以保证工矿业用地为首的6项开发策略,以及以引黄放淤改良盐碱地为首的20项开发措施。
The Yellow River Delta is one of the three biggest deltas in China. Its area is about 5930 km2 and it has rich land resources.In the first place, this paper divides the land into five kinds and nineteen sub-kinds. Then it divides the land quality into eight grades and thirteen classes by applying the method of two-stage fuzzy synthetical judgement. It has been found that the land mainly suitable for agriculture makes up 28.83%, that mainly suitable for animal husbandry makes up 34.44%. and that mainly suitable to fishery makes up 27.98%.At last, the method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to analyse and inquire into the countermeasure of rational exploitation and utilization of the land resources. The authors lay the emphasis on abiding by the general principle that the economic benefit is subordinate to the social and ecological benefits. Under this premise, this paper puts for-word six exploitive tactics headed by pledging the land to be used in industry and mine, and twenty exploitive measures headed by diverting the Yellow River water and using its sediment to improve the saline-alkali land.