

  • 1. 华南农业大学;
    2. 广东省土壤研究所

网络出版日期: 1988-12-25


  • 1. South China Agr. Univ.;
    2. Guangdong Prov Soil Inst

Online published: 1988-12-25




刘腾辉, 杨萍如 . 广东的滨海沙土资源[J]. 自然资源学报, 1988 , 3(4) : 356 -366 . DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.1988.04.007


Coastal sandy soil is an important land resource that has to be improved urgently in Guangdong Province. It is widespread, large in area and has a direct effect on the raise of the living standard of the local inhabitants, the economic development and the improvement of ecological environments. Coastal sandy soil is mainly distributed in Hainan Island, the western and the eastern Guangdong. The formation of it is closely related with coastal landform, river hydrology and climate. A large number of mud and sand carried by rivers and surface runoff, under the different actions of tide, wave and wind, makes outer bar and sand beach form and develops gradually. According to its differences of soil-formation age and soil characteristics, coastal sandy soil can be divided into four subgroups: mobile, half-fixing, fixing and cultivated coastal sandy soils. Their common characteristics are (1) that they are sandy so that water and fertilizer can lose easily and (2) that nutrition is lacking and soil are poor. The improvement and utility of coastal sandy soil should be (1) building shelterbelts; (2) developing multiindustry; (3) improving and using uncultivated sand land; (4) spreading organic fertilizer in order to improve sandy soil; (5) building water conservancy projects and (6) developing tourist resources.
