一、火山概况及研究简史 火山活动是自然界的一种奇特现象,常常给人类带来灾难。但是,随着火山的熄灭和时间的推移,喷出的熔岩与碎屑物,建造的锥体和台地,形成的火口湖和熔岩堰塞湖,出现的矿泉群,发育的新的土壤和植被,已成为人类可以利用的自然资源,并且也是人类探索地球内部奥秘的“天然窗口”。
Northeast of China is the largest region of the volcanic distribution in our Country. In this region thre are more than iO volcanic groups, and 800 volcanos, which make up 80 per cent of the whole China volcanos.The volcanic resources are characterized by spotted distribution, synthesis and speciality. The famous volcanic groups in Northeast of China are Chang baishan, Wudalianchi, Longgang, the Jingpolake, Yitong, Keluo, Erkeshan, the Nuomin River, Aershan, Abagaqi, Dalinuoer and so on.The perspective of utilizing volcanic resources in Northeast of China is very bright in the fields of scientific researches, tourism, terrestrial heat, recreation, constructive materials and so on.