任何科学的形成与发展,都是来源于生产实践与社会需要。第二次世界大战以来的几十年间,由于人口迅速增长和社会需要的不断扩大,人类对自然资源的开发利用越来越广泛和深入,因而逐渐产生了自然资源数量耗减、质量退化和环境生态失调等种种问题,引起了人们的普遍关注和讨论。资源经济学就是人们在研究这些问题的过程中逐步形成的 它研究国民经济发展与自然资源开发、利用、治理、保护的经济课题。资源经济的考察研究是资源经济学研究的一部分,也是自然资源综合考察工作的重要内容。在我国,资
The systemetic investigation-research of resource economics is a newborn frontier science which has grownsteadily since the integrated survey of natural resources carried out in China after Liberation. Resource economics studies the relationships among national economic development, exploitation and utilization of natural resources, and environmental effects.lt expounds how to search for and utilize raw materials (resources) needed for production, and how to protect the eco-environment. Theoretically speaking, this is a science of studying productive force and inevitably involves the relations of production and superstructure. Therefore, exploitation and utilization of natural resources is its study object, and rational use of natural resources under proper planning and effective development of productive force are its basic tasks-It is characterized by (1) focusing on the exploitation and utilization of natural resources' (2) emphasizing the long-term strategic goal of regional development, and (3) stressing the suitability and rationality as well as unity with time and space.In this paper four concrete tasks of the investigationresearch of resource economics are put forward as follows: ( 1 ) To evaluate natural and social-economic condition, (2) to study the utilization of natural resources and the present situation of economic development in a given region, (3 ) to give comprehensive appraisal of the means of exploitation and utilization of natural resources with eco-environmental, economic and social benefits consideration, and ( 4 ) to estimate the procedures and the main steps necessary for achieving the long-term goal of regional development.In addition the current situation and experiences of studying resource economics abroad are briefly introduced. It is also pointed out that more attention should he paid to the fundamental study of resource economics and some research work urgently needed should he strengthened