Mineral resource exploitation has important impact on regional economic development, industrialization level and urbanization. Taking Xinjiang as an example, this paper analyses the basic feature of mineral resource exploitation, economic development, industrialization level and urbanization. On this basis, dynamic computation model is established to discuss the relativity of mineral resource exploitation, economic development, industrialization level and urbanization by the method of Granger causality test and co-integration analysis. The conclusions are as follows: Over the years, the development of mineral resources has affected economic development, industrialization and urbanization level. Whenever the mineral resource exploitation index increases by 1%, it will lead to a 0.24% increase of industrialization level and 1.25% increase of urbanization level. Mineral resource exploitation is the causation of development of industrialization level and urbanization level, urbanization level and development of industrialization level is the causation of mineral resource exploitation; economic development and urbanization level is the causation of mineral resource exploitation, but mineral resource exploitation is not the causation of economic development. At present, resource superiority is the favorable condition to the development of Xinjiang’s economiy, which is not plunge into the trap of "resource curse". The four systems of mineral resource exploitation, economic development, the level of industrialization and the level of urbanization interact, and jointly promote the mutual development in Xinjiang. How to perfect land provision system to meet the demand of economic growth,industrialization and urbanization at present are very pressing strategic issues.
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