For the purpose of catching the development of decoupling analysis in the field of environments and resource, this paper gives a comprehensive description of the decoupling analysis in the field of environments and resource by using the summary and comparison approaches. The analysis is organized from the four aspects flowed as the definitions of decoupling, the main fields concerned by decoupling analysis, the measurement method of decoupling analysis, and the indicators of decoupling analysis. The main features about the researches of decoupling analysis go as follows. Firstly, there are different definitions about decoupling, which are always related with the re-coupling and coupling. As far as the decoupling concerned, the difference between these definitions is that the different decoupling types of absolute, relative and recessive decoupling are included in the concept. Secondly, the main concerns of decoupling analysis are focused in the decoupling environment pressure from its driving force at the economy-wide level and some specific industries, and the decoupling analysis from the micro level had attracted relatively scare concerns. Furthermore, there is a distinction between different studies’ measuring methods for decoupling, which include eight types of measuring methods for decoupling. The last but not the least, there is no uniform about the decoupling indicators which is an important research project, more and more researches take environment pressure indicators and resource consumption indicators such as indicators use in material flow analysis as decoupling indicators. Besides, some suggestions of further studies on decoupling are put forward in this paper. These suggestions include giving more concern on decoupling analysis from the micro level, carrying out more thorough analysis on classifying decoupling types, and extending the application of decoupling analysis to the field of environment planning, resource planning, and so on.
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