Resources utilization efficiency is very crucial to natural resource conservation and emission reduction, especially under the policy framework of energy saving and emission reduction nowadays in China. As a supplement to resource curse theory, a hypothesis was put forward with regard to regional resource endowment and resource utilization efficiency. Therefore, the panel data of energy and water resources of 31 provincial-level administrative regions in mainland China (not including Hong Kong and Macao due to no data) in 2008 was adopted to make statistical analysis to verify the negative effects of the regional resource endowment on resource utilization efficiency. The results showed that, there has been obvious negative effect between resources endowment and resources utilization efficiency, i.e., the resource efficiency is relatively lower in resources rich area and vice versa. It can be prudently concluded that, in addition to economic development, the curse effect is applied to resource utilization efficiency associated with resources endowment. In comparison with concentrated resources as mineral resources, dispersed resources as water is more sensitive in utilization efficiency affected by resources endowment, which is much in contrast to the curse associated with economic development. The results obtained in this analysis have much implication to policy making with regard to resources utilization efficiency.
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