大兴安岭地区是林火多发区,论文比较了未火烧兴安落叶松林与火烧20 a后兴安落叶松(轻度、中度、重度火烧兴安落叶松林)土壤pH值、土壤养分以及土壤养分比值之间的差异。研究结果表明:重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的pH值为4.79、4.76、4.63,高于对照森林土壤的pH值(4.53);重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的C含量(55.19、84.63、127.91 g·kg-1)、N含量(2.32、3.97、5.27 g·kg-1)、P含量(0.22、0.21、0.25g·kg-1)和K含量(31.97、32.56、34.65g·kg-1)都低于对照森林土壤(137.67、5.61、0.27、37.96g·kg-1);重度、中度、轻度火烧森林土壤的C/N值(23.68、21.54、24.27)也低于对照土壤(24.63);轻度火烧土壤的C、N含量与中度、重度火烧土壤的C、N含量差异明显。说明了火烧20 a后,其森林土壤与对照森林土壤之间仍然有差异。
Forest fires are frequent in the Greater Hinggan Mountain area and the intensity of these fires determines their impact on soil properties. We compared soil nutrient availability and soil nutrient ratio among three treatments (low-intensity fire, intermediate-intensity fire and high-intensity fire) and a control (intact forest) over a period of 20 years in a Larix gmelini forest in the northern slope of Greater Hinggan Mountains. The result shows: Soil pH value of topsoil (0-10 cm) in high-intensity, intermediate-intensity and low-intensity fire forest was 4.79, 4.76 and 4.63 respectively, higher than that in control forest (pH 4.53); soil pH value of subsoil (10-20 cm) in high-intensity and intermediate-intensity was 4.58 and 4.50 respectively, higher than that in control forest (pH 4.45), it was not the same case for low-intensity fire forest (pH 4.44). C concentration, N concentration, P concentration and K concentration of topsoil (0-10 cm) in high-intensity, intermediate-intensity and low-intensity fire forest was 55.19, 84.63 and 127.91 g·kg-1; 2.32, 3.97 and 5.27 g·kg-1; 0.22, 0.21 and 0.25 g·kg-1; and 31.97, 32.56 and 34.65 g·kg-1 respectively, lower than that in control forest (137.67, 5.61, 0. 27 and 37.96 g·kg-1); it was the same case for subsoil (10-20 cm), C concentration, N concentration, P concentration and K concentration of subsoil (10-20 cm) in high-intensity, intermediate-intensity and low-intensity fire forest was 39.46, 42.93 and 56.11 g·kg-1; 1.24, 1.72 and 2.31 g·kg-1; 0.19, 0.18 and 0.24 g·kg-1 ; 31.18, 31.95 and 33.83 g·kg-1 respectively, lower than that in control forest (63.11, 2.59, 0.25 and 36.16 g·kg-1); the C/N ratio of topsoil (0-10 cm) in high-intensity, intermediate-intensity and low-intensity fire forest was 23.68, 21.54 and 24.27 respectively, lower than that in control forest (C/N ratio 24.63), it was the same case for C/P and C/K ratio in topsoil, while C/N ratio in subsoil presented a weaker trend. The difference of soil C and soil N in topsoil among low-intensity fire and intermediate-intensity fire, high-intensity fire was obvious. This analysis has demonstrated that after 20 years there are still differences among the four areas of different burnt intensities in soil chemical properties.
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