为深入理解海河流域水资源剧减的影响原因, 进行水文气象要素的时空变异分析是十分重
要和必要的。传统的时间序列变异方法主要是用变异系数法, 论文结合信息熵理论提出一种基于差
异信息测度与GIS 技术的时空变异分析方法, 并成功应用于海河流域的31 个测站的1960—2001
年降水、蒸发和气温的分析, 结果直观地表达海河流域降水、蒸发和气温等水文气象要素的时空变
异规律, 为进一步深入理解海河流域的水循环变化规律打下坚实基础。通过初步分析得出海河流域
The spatio-temporal variability analysis of hydrometeorological factors are crucial for
further understanding hydrological process and hydrological /meteorological modelling.Traditional
temporal variability was quantitatively described using Coefficient of Variation based on
statistics.In this paper, we combined information entropy theory with GIS spatial analysis
technology to analyze the spatio-temporal variability of annual precipitation, evaporation and air
temperature.A new spatio-temporal variability analysis method which is based on the differential
information entropy relatively estimates is also presented.This study was conducted using 31
gauge stations precipitation, evaporation and air temperature data of Haihe river basin during the
period from 1960 to 2001.The results intuitionisticly expressed the hydrologic and meteorological
spatio-temporal variability rule of Haihe river basin, which lays solid foundation for further
understanding the changes of water cycle of the study area.It is concluded that the spatiotemporal
variability of precipitation and evaporation of the Haihe River Basin is relatively great
and the spatio-temporal variability of temperature is relative small.
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