基于国内外相关研究与PSR 模型提出环境压力、土壤质量、破碎度、粮食单产等耕地保护等
级评价指标。单项指标评价表明: 苏州耕地环境压力突出、土质较好、破碎化明显、粮食产量高。基于
指标相关性分析, 选用层次聚类分析法, 对样本特征聚类分为4 等, 各等面积百分比S1∶S2∶S3∶S4=
33.6∶32.4∶26.7∶7.3。S1 在乡村区和湖荡区, 各指标良好; S2 在沿江平原及城市化边缘区, 土质良好, 粮
食产量较高; S3 散布在城市化边缘区及湖荡丘陵区, 各指标中等; S4 散布在城市周边及湖荡丘陵区。
进而基于各等级的地域特征及指标关系, 将耕地保护等级又分为9 级, 并指出各级耕地保护措施。
Under the background of globalization and informatization of the world economy, the
rapid economic growth and process of urbanization in Suzhou city in future will aggravate the
conservation pressure on cultivated land.It is time to consider and redefine the connotation of
current cultivated land conservation concept. ( 1)Based on domestic and foreign related researches
and the framework of PSR( Pressure-State-Response)model, this paper proposes the gradation
evaluation indicator system of cultivated land conservation in Suzhou city among which the
Pressure indicator is the environment pressure of cultivated land, and the State indicator is the
soil quality and land fragmentation, and the Response indicator is per unit area yield of grain.( 2)
Individual indicator evaluation results show that the environment pressure of cultivated land
caused by rapid population and economic growth, urban sprawl and freeway networks infrastructure
construction is very outstanding; the soil quality of cultivated land is very good, and the
land is fertile; the fragmentation is evident because of the division of urban, transport land,
lakes, rivers and highland terrain; the unit production ( 6683kg/ha) is higher than that of Jiangsu
Province ( 5954kg/ha) and the whole country ( 4399kg/ha) .( 3) The correlative analysis of these
individual indicators show that the correlative coefficient is very small, and the various
relationships between indicators are performed according to different regional characteristics, and
accordingly their weights are difficult to be defined.Based on the research result of correlative
analysis of indicators, the paper adopts the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis method for the general
gradation evaluation of cultivated land conservation.The results show that the ratio of the area of
the 4 ranks is 33.6 ∶32.4 ∶26.7 ∶7.3.The cultivated land of rank S1 is located in the rural areas
outside urbanization region and lake areas where four indicators are very good.The cultivated
land of rank S2 is located in the Yanjiang plains and the urbanized marginal areas where the soil
quality is good, and the level of food production is high.The cultivated land of rank S3 is
scattered in the urbanized marginal area and lake-hilly areas where four indicators are common.
The cultivated land of rank S4 is scattered in the areas around big cities and lakes hilly areas.
( 4) Then on the basis of regional characteristics and indicators relationships of each cultivated
land conservation rank, the gradation system of the 4 ranks is subdivided into 9 ranks, and some
conservation measures about cultivated land for each rank are also pointed out.
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