Along with the industrialization and the urbanization process,the human being's activities of developments and constructions turned to the environmentally sensitive area unceasingly,which has created many environment negative problems against regional sustainable development.In view of the different types of characteristics regions, the classification to environmentally sensitive area, and clear distinction of the boundaries between the future regional development and protection,are of vital practical significance to the realization of the regional economic sustainable development.From the safeguard and support capacity of environmentally sensitive area to economic development and the importance of ecological function protected area of Suzhou City,the environmentally sensitive area of the city will be divided into the ecological sensitive area,surface water source sensitive area,contaminated sensitive area,high quality farmland sensitive area as well as the latent disaster sensitive area, five kinds in all.The defination of its spatial distribution can be testified from this contest,which has provided the theoretical basis for municipal building land expansion control,resource management and ecological protection.
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