Precipitation records from 15 weather stations in the arid and semiarid regions in the Yellow River Basin of China were used to validate the CLIGEN weather generator.Daily records of 41 years from 15 stations were used to evaluate the generator.Generally,the performance of the CLIGEN generator is better in semiarid regions than in the arid regions.Results show that the generator was successful in modeling the means of the total of the annual,monthly and daily precipitation,the monthly probabilities of wet and dry days,and the variability of daily,monthly and annual precipitation.Mean absolute relative errors for simulating daily,monthly and annual precipitation across 15 stations were 2.1%,2.4% and 2.4% for the means and 3.6%,4.1% and 15.9% for the standard deviations,respectively.The relative error for the standard deviation of annual precipitation was relative high.Thus,the improvements of precipitation occurrence are expected.Mean absolute relative errors for the all-time maxima of daily,monthly and yearly precipitation were 5.2%,17.3% and 11.1%,respectively.Most of the maxima values across these stations were overestimated.It may lead to overestimation of runoff and sediment yield by the soil erosion models such as WEPP using the precipitation patterns generated by the CLIGEN model.The validation of the parameters of storm events such as storm duration and peak rain density are needed to conduct by using the pluviograph data.
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