In this article,the UV-B data from different altitude,longitude and latitude stations on Yunnan low latitude plateau were analysed and the spatio-temporal characteristics of UV-B strength of Yunnan Province were discussed.The results indicate that:(1)The chronometer factors have an effect on the basic change of UV-B strength,the changing characteristics are directly related to the total radiation and have obvious daily and yearly variations.(2)The UV-B strength is affected by the latitude of the survey points.With the increase of latitude,the UV-B strength decreases.When the latitude rises 1o,the UV-B strength decreases 0.679 W/m2 and 0.157 W/m2 respectively in the dry and rainy season in the same longitude and decreases 0.340 W/m2 and 0.306 W/m2 in different longitude.The changing ratio of UV-B strength in dry season is larger than in the rainy season,having obvious dry-rainy season characteristics.(3)UV-B strength is affected by the altitude,with the increase of altitude of survey points,the UV-B strength increases.When the altitude increases 100m,the UV-B strength increases 0.202 W/m2 and 0.090 W/m2respectively in the dry and rainy season,having also obvious dry-rainy season characteristics.
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