Ecological footprint(EF) analysis has gained much attention since developed,but some deficiencies were also criticized.Now,EF has been used in regional ecological carrying capacity and sustainability estimation widely.Zhao Sheng modified EF approach with Emergy theory in 2005,called emergy EF approach,which made up the deficiencies of EF limited with biosphere.However,this article improved the modified method for the deficiencies of the modified approach,which does not consider the local situation and technological advances.Finally,the EF of the upper reach of Minjiang River was estimated based on the three methods from 1982 to 2002.The results demonstrated that the EF of the study area increased slowly.The results of regional EF were greater than that of emergy EF,and that of conventional EF were the least.The ecological carrying capacity with conventional EF and regional emergy EF decreased smoothly,however,that of emergy EF changed irregularly.Although the regional emergy approach overcomes some shortcomings of EF,it can not replace the conventional EF.If the two approaches used together,more information would be discovered.
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