Using the data of precipitation and temperature covering 1961-2005 in Ningxia and combining them with data of NDVI covering 1982-2002, the spatio-temporal characteristics and response of precipitation, temperature and NDVI in Ningxia to global warming were analyzed. The result showed that in recent 45 years, there was evident rise in temperature but decrease in precipitation as a whole in Ningxia. There were also evident differences in seasonal and regional temperature and precipitation. Temperature in winter and the areas by diverting Yellow River water for irrigation rose most evidently. Precipitation increased in winter but reduced in other seasons and areas. Especially precipitation in autumn and southern Ningxia mountainous area reduced most evidently. There was a rainfall break in winter and autumn around 1968, and after the break rainfall in winter increased but reduced in autumn. There was also a temperature break during 1985-1996. After the break, temperature rose evidently throughout Ningxia and rainfall in winter and spring and the areas by diverting Yellow River water for irrigation increased but reduced in other seasons and areas. Extreme climate events happened more frequently. The value of NDVI showed an increasing trend and the desertified area was controlled on the whole. Further analysis indicated that when temperature was high and precipitation increased in summer in the previous year, NDVI of present year would increase.
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