The construction of rural energy resources in minority regions is a special field of Chinese energy sustainable development. It is an important part of construction of resources-economical society and the socialist new countryside.Based on the investigation of energy consumption in Lanping and Shangri-La counties,this paper analyzed the characters and problems of the energy consumption in poverty-stricken minority areas of southwestern mountain region.The domestic energy consumption per capita of Lanping and Shangri-La is 512 kgce and 879 kgce,respectively,much lower than the average of the world. The structure is also irrational,the percentage of firewood utilization in Lanping and Shangri-La is 85% and 98%.The utilization of renewable energy,e.g.solar energy,biogas and hydropower is 7.0% and 1.8%,respectively.The result is a series of ecological and environmental problems.Some pieces of advice on the exploitation and utilization of modern bio-energy are given:enforcing energy policy,making plans of exploitation and utilization of rural energy resource and seeking financial and technical support from developed countries,etc.
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