This paper addresses a method applied to the impact assessment of dams & flood gates projects in Huaihe River on river ecosystem. Major contents include: 1) the river ecosystem survey in 2006 and related historical investigation; 2) building coupled models of river hydrological process with water quality and ecosystem indicators system; and 3) development of assessment method applied to impact assessment of dams & flood gates projects in Huaihe River on river ecosystem, where the relationship between ecosystem indicators and water quality indicators could be recognized. The case study of the Bengbu site was given as an explanation of this method. The results indicate that dams and flood gates projects have significant impact on river ecosystem. For Bengbu case, the biggest impact is on phytoplanktons of the aquatic ecosystem, then on zooplanktons and zoobenthos. By comparison with historical ecosystem situation, the ecosystem quality of downstream of Bengbu site has a decline due to dams and gates construction. By the way, it also shows that river system could be improved by strengthening operation of river ecosystem and increasing ecological flow.
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